Roadmap for the future of Work this Weekend.

I want to share a little bit about the purpose and future plans for this site. Here's a little roadmap to make sure we're moving in the right direction and providing amazing value to the community.

Highway 212 forest road

unsplash-logo Matt Duncan Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash

We're all a bit cooped up here since COVID-19 came along and when this does pass, there will be a lot of people looking for help. This is built as a free service to connect people needing some work done and for others looking for extra money on the side doing odd jobs on the weekends.

I've had this domain for quite some time but I never did anything with it since I saw a lot of new services out there in my same niche but why not compete and offer more opportunity? Plus, I have a little more time on my hands these days as we're all inside due to COVID-19.

I'm going to grow the community organically and based on feedback / usage from users so there is no growth plan to be part of the three comma club, the plan is to start throwing jobs out there from the community and / or post workers that are available to work in your area and see what shakes out.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions while we grow this community, please leave your comment below.

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